Thursday, April 04, 2024

Fundraiser: Rabbis for World Central Kitchen

Rabbi Menachem Creditor posted the following on Facebook:

"Please join this drive to raise funds for World Central Kitchen, organized by a rabbinic colleague, through “Rabbis for World Central Kitchen” (participation NOT limited to rabbis; ALL contributors are welcome). All funds go to WCK’s holy work."
My husband and I have already donated.  If you'd like to participate in the fundraising effort, you can donate here.

Update: Note that the "full" list of donors lists only 250 people, and that those who gave amounts less than $100 no longer appear on the list, but there were plenty of us listed at lower giving levels before Shabbat, so give whatever you can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I used to like Menachem. The hell with them. Are the Gazans helping our hostages? No. They're helping Hamas. There are no innocent civilians.

Don't go into a war zone if you don't expect to get blown up.

Fri Apr 12, 05:32:00 AM 2024  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Given the dictatorial nature of Hamas, I think it reasonable to assume that some of the Gazans who are helping Hamas are doing so out of fear for their lives. I'm not ready to write off the entire population.

Fri Apr 12, 12:58:00 PM 2024  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, that's bullshit. These "ordinary" gazans went in after Hamas and looted and kidnapped in the communities that for the most part, were made up of bleeding heart lefties who tried to help improve their lives. So pardon my strong language, but my son is a first responder who is dealing with PTSD for what he saw in the days following Oct 7 as he went into Sderot under fire and Ashkelon, and helped people.

The only innocents in Gaza are those kids who have yet to enter the school system.

I used to think like you do. THen I moved to Israel. Enjoy your safe and dying Judaism in the US. I used to wonder how the German Jews didn't see the writing on the wall and get out. Now I know.

Mon Apr 15, 11:50:00 AM 2024  

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